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New York Tough Video!

Writer's picture: Wellspring StaffWellspring Staff

We can feel New York's soul through our apartment walls: it's the sound of our downstairs neighbor singing, of our upstairs neighbor dragging chairs across the floor. It's the smell of our neighbor's cooking wafting under the door, the sight of the policemen on the streets. It's all of us--at one in our isolation, closer for our apartness--getting through this, together. New York may be the home of tough love, but we need your help. If you can please reach out to the New York Governor's office @nygovcuomo at to donate masks and medical supplies to our frontline health workers. We would like to thank everyone involved for their contribution to this film. It is a privilege to film this city we all love.


Music from “12 Years A Slave”, “Solomon” written by Hans Zimmer. Used courtesy of Remote Control Music/Downtown Music Publishing and Hans Zimmer Governor Andrew M. Cuomo & his team Alison Stroming @alisonstroming Amberly Kamroft & Florent Piovesan Of Two Lands @oftwolands Andrew Clancy @andyclancy “A Year in New York” Brandan Fallis @brendanfallis Clair Popkin @clairpopkin Corbin Harris @corbinharris Dan Jesperson @danjesperson Florencia Galarza @florencia.galzara Gaby Caplan @gabycaplan Georgia Fowler @georgiafowler Harry Martin Henry DaCosta @_henrydacosta_ Ian Strange @ian_strange James Orlowski @jamesorlowski Julia Jansch @juliajansch Leon Jamrosy @leonjamrosy Lukas Willasch @lukaswillasch Malery Bilingy Manuel Kellner Matthew Kraus @matthewkrausphotography Micro Vovk Montana Cox @montanacox1 Pallavi Sharda @pallavisharda Patricia Pavez Prospect Park Boys Scott Cornell Slicedbread Star City @mrstarcity Stéphane Legrand @sleg_photography Tim Sessler @t_sessler @brooklynaerials Vadim Key Vincent Alvarado Will Spartalis

Category Music Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song Solomon Artist Hans Zimmer Licensed to YouTube by SME (on behalf of Columbia); LatinAutor, Downtown Music Publishing, Sony ATV Publishing, ASCAP, and 9 Music Rights Societies

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